Practice newsletter - February 2023
New staff members
Jade - Care coordinator
Jade will support the surgery in managing long-term condition reviews and patient engagement. Jade will be in the surgery on a Monday and Thursday.
Millie - Medical Receptionist
Millie will support the surgery in the reception area and will complete further training to become a dispenser at the surgery. Millie will work full-time.
Please remember if you cannot attend your appointment, please contact us to cancel it ASAP please.
Your appointment could be offered to another patient who urgently needs advice.
World cancer day
It's World Cancer Day on 4 February 2023 and 'close the gap' is the theme for this year's World Cancer campaign. There is now a patient engagement board in the practice waiting area with a range of leaflets to support patients with recognising the signs and symptoms of Cancer, and which support services are available.
Close the care gap. People who seek cancer care hit barriers at every turn. Whether that be income, education, geographical location. The gap affects everyone, you may feel that like the equity gap doesn't impact you personally, but it likely does affect someone you know. The reality is today that who you are and where you live could mean the difference between life and death. Raise awareness and support us to close the care gap.
You can find out more about the campaign by visiting
Eating disorder awareness week
Eating disorder awareness week is 27 February to 5 March 2023. We have a range of literature and support information around eating disorders or you can visit
Flu vaccinations
It is still the Flu season!
Protect yourself and get vaccinated.
Health and wellbeing
It is a fantastic time to think about our health and wellbeing. With the opportunity to change things, now that the festive goodies are out of the way, there is no better time to think about our diet and lifestyle choices. Follow this link to get 8 practical tips that cover the basics of healthy eating and can help you make healthier choices.
Smoke Free County Durham
Ready to stop smoking or to see what support is available?
Contact SmokeFree Durham.
Call 0800 772 0565
Or text Durham' to 62277 for free
'Just a minute' card
If you have a hidden condition that means you may need more time to respond to something, you may find the 'just a minute' (JAM) card helpful. Available as a physical card, or on an app, it can help others understand they may need to allow you more time.
Who do you call?
Health services are under pressure over the winter and ensuring you're using the right service for the issue you're having makes the health service work better for everyone.
Young carers
If you're under 25 and giving support with daily life to a friend or family member, you may be a young carer.
There is support available to you. If you would like to know more, please contact the practice and speak to our reception team or our care coordinator, who will be able to signpost you to the right services available locally. Alternatively you can visit Durham County Carers for support.
Cold weather payments
If you were born before 26 September 1956, you may be eligible for a winter fuel payment. If you're eligible, you should get the payment automatically, but if you don't you can find out more by visiting the government website.
Give blood
Find out more on the give blood website
Baby Check app
The Baby Check app features 19 simple checks that parents can do if their baby is showing signs of illness. Each check tests for a different symptom and when completed, a score is calculated that tells parents or carers how ill their baby is. The app then lets parents know whether their baby needs to see a doctor or health professional.
Good mental health for all
The beginning of the year can be challenging for some. Men in particular may find it difficult to open up about their feelings.
You can find out more about men's mental health and support here.
Patient participation group
Would you like to be part of our patient participation group?
If so, register your interest with one of our reception staff, or complete the form on this page.
Published on 8 February 2023