Have you lost a loved one and feel the need to talk? Pop along to the connections cafe in Barnard Castle for a chat. 

The café is run monthly on a Tuesday afternoon between 3.00pm and 4.30pm and is held at the Methodist Church Hall, Flatts Road ,Barnard Castle, Co Durham, DL12 8PW. Refreshments and biscuits will be provided, and it would be lovely to see you there.

Please call us on 01833 695444.

The dates for this year are as follows:

Tuesday 21st January

Tuesday 18th February

Tuesday 18th March

Tuesday 15th April

Tuesday 13th May

Tuesday 10th June

Tuesday 8th July

Tuesday 5th August

Tuesday 2nd September

Tuesday 7th October

Tuesday 4th November

Tuesday 9th December

Please see attached document for further information. 


Connections Cafe

PDF, 2.0 MB

Published on 24 January 2025