Breast Screening in the North East and North Cumbria - Help us improve our services
The Public Health Team, NHS England covering the North East and North Cumbria are interested to understand what women think about breast screening and what might be preventing some women from attending an appointment. Whether you have attended before or not, your feedback is important and will help us learn how we can improve our services. Please see the link below to the patient leaflet (also in different languages)
All information is anonymous so we will not know the identity of anyone who has responded.
Your support with this survey is very much appreciated, it should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
You can also complete the survey by clicking on the link below:
You can also print out the questionnaire using the attached document below. There are also printed copies of the questionnaire available in the surgery to complete. If you choose to do this, please hand the completed questionnaire back to a member of the reception team who will forward the questionnaire on for you.
Thank you very much for taking the time.
Published on 12 July 2023