Are you struggling financially or experiencing financial distress?
With living costs swiftly on the rise, it is inevitable that more and more people will start to feel the pinch. Some people will be fortunate enough to navigate their way through the current living cost increases but some will inevitably start to struggle, be unable to make ends meet and find themselves in financial distress.
Whilst we can not prevent the rising costs, there is help and support available. There are benefits and schemes available to support people. Often people assume that they are not eligible for benefits or support, however in some cases they are and it is definitely worth asking the question if you find yourself struggling.
Below are a list of resources that may be able to help you if you find yourself in this situation. The surgery can also refer to Social Prescribing link workers that are trained to support patients in this situation with an array of different things. Please contact the surgery if you feel that you would benefit from this.
Citizens Advice Bureau - Debt Advice
Published on 1 December 2022